Implementing page object with root element

What is the problem It is a common case that a fragment of a page appears on multiple pages. This can be a header, a toolbar, a footer or any block of elements related to each other. These parts can be called sections, panels, blocks, components or by any other name the test developers want. […]

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Cucumber in Web testing (part 7 of 8)

7. Hooks Cucumber provides a methodology called Hooks which is analogue to traditional before and after methods. The hooks must be annotated with @Before and @After in step classes. Make sure to use and annotations and not the JUnit ones. By default each before method will be executed before all scenarios and each […]

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Creating a Website Testing Plan

After the front-end design of a website has been created it’s time to test it. There are many things to consider, such as cross browser and device testing, bug tracking, team management, etc. As the scale of the projects grows larger, a more efficient way of testing is required. This efficiency is best achieved by […]

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