How to read text from PDF file using Java and Selenium Webdriver

Sometimes we need to verify a PDF content but Selenium WebDriver doesn’t have any direct methods to do that. If we want to extract the PDF content then we can use for example Apache PDFBox. Simply download the .jar files and add them to your Eclipse Class path. Here is a sample script which will […]

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Browserstack integration with junit and webdriver

The purpose of this article is to show how easy is to integrate webdriver with architectures on the cloud, in this case with Browserstack. For every new tool the first thing to do is to check out and examine the documentation. The basic steps are very well documented, the examples and the thorough explanations give […]

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Parameterized JUnit tests with Selenium WebDriver

With JUnit 4 we’re able to Parameterize the tests. Parameterized tests allow developers to run the same tests over and over again using different values. Now we introduce the way to use the parameterized JUnit tests with Selenium WebDriver. Here is the sample code, which opens the Google search page, searches three different phrases and […]

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Unknown command ‘WaitForAllTabsToStopLoading’ issue

For people out there still fighting with the Unknown command ‘WaitForAllTabsToStopLoading’ issue: We just updated the chromedriver and webdriver to the newest version, and it made the issue disappear from our system. It is a good practice to update the drivers to the newest ones when they released. It can spare you a lots of […]

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How to use TestNG with Selenium WebDriver

(The precondition for this tutorial that the Selenium WebDriver is already installed.) Firstly go to TestNG website’s download page, and follow the instructions to install the TestNG plugin to Eclipse. ( After the TestNG was installed, create a new java class file (without main method). Create the setUp() function. To this function you can put […]

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