Nightwatch configuration

Once you’ve installed nightwatch, you will need to create a configuration file. Configuration file can be saved as .json file or .js file. You can choose any of option and both will do the job, but I prefer .js file, because it can contain custom variables and comments. Comments in configuration file can be helpful […]

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Install Nightwatch on Windows

Introducing Nightwatch.js Nightwatch.js is a testing solution that lets you use JavaScript to write browser-based, end-to-end tests. Nightwatch can also be used for writing Node.js unit tests. Nightwatch is written in Node.js and using the W3C WebDriver API (formerly Selenium WebDriver). Installation: Similar Posts from the author: Nightwatch configuration Dane Dukić

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Read out browser console logs in java with selenium 2.53.1

Sometimes the usual test log and screenshot is not enough to find the reason of the failed test case. Especially when the test case occasionally fails in special circumstances and it is really hard to reproduce. For this reason, we need to collect for each fail as much information as possible. One possible source of information is the console output of the browser.

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Some thoughts about the infamous StaleElementReferenceException

With the widespread of JavaScript we more and more met with one of our favourite exception which is the StaleElementReferenceException. It can be tricky because it does not have to appear on the test development machine. This issue can hide in the test code and appear in unexpected situations. The exception happens when the dom […]

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Navigating between browser windows with WD

Hello, I’ll continue more about testing with JavaScript WD test frame and Selenium stand-alone server. Today’s topic is navigating between browser windows (or tabs) with WD. The Webdriver sees each tab and window as a window, it doesn’t make difference. The difference is only at the browser how it is set to handle the windows […]

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