What are Injection Attacks and why are they important?

Manual testers always try to test all possible situations that could broke an application or compromise user data. Because of that a manual tester should not think just as an ordinary user, but as individuals who will try to break the application or just to hack the application for user information. There for, applications should […]

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Ranorex – is this tool the tester heaven?

What is Ranorex? Is this a medicine? 🙂 Ranorex is an automated testing tool which provides testing of Microsoft desktop apps, webpages and mobile applications. It supports wide range of technologies like .NET, WFA, WPF, Java, HTML5, Flash, iOS, Android, Windows apps (hybrid and native) and so on. You can perform cross-browser, data-driven, automated functional, […]

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How to select an element from table if there is no ID

When we want to select a value from a table but the element doesn’t have id or other identification, we can use the other cells of the table to identify the value. For example: There is a table with stock market data and we want to get the value of the percentage of change (the […]

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Webdriver – XPath and CSS selector performance tip

There are cases when using XPath has some advantages over CSS selectors. For example if there is a site where we can select an item only by text because the other type of locators are not clear(id’s and classes are generated and they are used in multiple places). What can we do in this situation? […]

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