Setting up Allure (Part 1)

What is allure? Allure is a flexible test report framework that not only shows a very concise representation of what have been tested in a neat web report form, but allows everyone participating in the development process to extract maximum of useful information from everyday execution of tests, with the possibility to add screenshots, logs, attachments […]

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Cucumber in Web testing (part 4 of 8)

4. TestRunner and Test steps To run features we need a Java class to start the test run. Here is a simple example: The TestRunner class needs to be annotated with @RunWith(Cucumber.class) and a body of it can be totally empty. By annotating the class with @CucumberOptions we can specify extra options to our test […]

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Cucumber in Web testing (part 3 of 8)

3. Cucumber features “Feature” in cucumber is supposed to describe a single feature which is analog with “test group”/”test class” in standard Java world. A feature includes one or more scenarios. A scenario can be represented as a “test case” or a ”test method“ in standard Java world. The code of a cucumber feature need […]

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Cucumber in Web testing (part 2 of 8)

2. How to install cucumber in Eclipse To start using cucumber in eclipse we need to install few things: First of all eclipse and Java Development Kit (JDK) need to be installed on the computer. Ones eclipse finished with the installation we are able to install “Cucumber Eclipse Plugin” with eclipse built-in plugin installation tool. […]

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Local test run – Maven – NoSuchMethodError during driver creation

When you are getting the following exception during firefoxdriver initialization: try to put this dependency into pom.xml: If you still getting the same exception you should try to experiment with the order of the imports. Sometimes small order changes can make the project work again, who knows which one depends on an old utility… Similar […]

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