Security testing – XSS injection attacks

In my previous blog post I wrote about the injection attacks and why are they important. Introduced some basic information and how we divide them. In this writing, I will cover the most widespread injection attack, the XSS, some sample codes and a testing tool. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in […]

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What are Injection Attacks and why are they important?

Manual testers always try to test all possible situations that could broke an application or compromise user data. Because of that a manual tester should not think just as an ordinary user, but as individuals who will try to break the application or just to hack the application for user information. There for, applications should […]

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Beautiful interface, but poor performance?

Wondershare MirrorGO   In my last blog post, I talked about Vysor, a screen mirroring application and the benefits of using similar tools for manual testing. This time I will write about Wondershare MirrorGO, another Android screen mirroring application with rich features and beautiful interface. MirrorGO Android Recorder is developed by Wondershare. They promote it […]

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Make your manual testing faster with Vysor

Testing Android devices can be frustrating. Entering long texts, taking screenshots and screen recordings, transferring files from the Android device to PC, losing time just with putting down – picking up the device. All these things can be forgotten if You could use the Android device on your PC. There are many apps available for […]

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