Some useful information for Android and IOS testing

This basic information wrote down in this post is maybe unneeded and not necessary for most of users, but just remember, when you got the first Android/IOS device and need to setup something. So the information below is a basic testing startup guide. First important thing is to check your Android or IOS device system […]

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Local test run – Maven – NoSuchMethodError during driver creation

When you are getting the following exception during firefoxdriver initialization: try to put this dependency into pom.xml: If you still getting the same exception you should try to experiment with the order of the imports. Sometimes small order changes can make the project work again, who knows which one depends on an old utility… Similar […]

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How to avoid App Store rejection

If you are iOS developer, I’m sure that you have heard several stories (or experienced yourself) of how difficult can be to get Apple’s approval for your app. Why does Apple reject apps or what are the big mistakes that most developers make? I have searched for the reasons and in this post I will […]

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