We’re started using this service a long time ago, and I can say they improved a lot in the recent years.
It became a reliable cloud system for running automated tests and for manual testing with a wast amount of virtual machine/browser combinations and what I love about them that almost everything is documented.


It is used by us in several projects with both Java and JavaScript test codes.
To get the driver code for a specific platform go to https://saucelabs.com/platforms


As you can see it is pretty straightforward.
Here is an example of creating a remote webdriver which will send the request to SauceLabs, i just replaced the standard driver to a new instance of RemoteWebDriver:

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
capabilities.setCapability("version", "30");
capabilities.setCapability("platform", "Windows 7");
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(
new URL("http://" + username + ":" + authorizationkey + "@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub"),


It can be a life saver in cases when a client asks to run a test group in an exotic OS/browser combination at Friday afternoon, as there is no machine setup time, and you just have to ask for an environment the webdriver way and you will get your machine/browser combo, and this proven to be especially helpful when you want to run tests on various mobile devices.
The only con for this is that you don’t have complete control over the test machine, but if you using the machine for running only selenium tests then this shouldn’t be a problem. The upside of this that you don’t have to spend time for system maintenance, and you can spend your time on more meaningful work.
Sauce is fully compatible with Jenkins, TeamCity and Bamboo. This would take a little more time to setup, but worth the investment.

My favorite in Sauce is that it saves the screenshots and log outputs of every command. In our local test runs we don’t have the luxury to save a screenshot after each step, it would consume a lots of disk space, and we have to rely on just logs. Many times the “on fail screenshot” is not enough, then we have turn on screenshot creation after each step and then rerun the problematic tests.


Of course as everything this comes with a price, and of course this price is an increase of test run time. This problem can be avoided with proper test parallelization.
Remember that in the beginning I told you that everything is documented? Here is an example, with 2-3 click you can get to a an example code for the setup of a parallel test run.

There is one another function which we found very useful, you can share the test result outside SauceLabs , so you can put in the link of a test result in a ticket and it can be accessed without an account.

All in all we are satisfied with what we get for our money, and we can recommend it for most of the projects.
I hope they will keep up the good work, and we can see some new goodies in the future.
For additional details and for a free trial check their site https://saucelabs.com/


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