Cross-browser compatibility test using virtual machines

In my previous post I described cross-browser compatibility testing using online services. This time I will focus on cross-browser testing using virtual machines. To be sure that your application will work as expected, you will need to test it in every supported browser/operating system (this means different versions of different browsers and different versions of […]

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How to run parallel tests with Selenium WebDriver and TestNG

First install Java JRE and JDK. In Advanced system settings/ Environment Variables setup java path: Create a new system variable (if it is not created): Name: JAVA_HOME Value(the location of the jdk):   C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25 In to the Path variable add: The location of jre:  c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\; Install selenium and testing to Eclipse. Download (from  […]

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